esposito's box
Friday, March 18, 2005
  Flogging Stories
I was thinking about the left's seeming inability to get out ahead of stories in regard to ANWR, and lo, I am reminded of an article by Peter Boyer in this week's New Yorker. There is an interview online with Boyer, so you can get an idea of what it's about without a subscription. In short, it deals with the pseudo-story about schools banning the Declaration of Independence arriving just in time for Thanksgiving discussions about America in decline. These media-hyped pseudo events astonishingly cast a pall over all Christian holidays. If you think something is not being baked for Easter right now, then you are fooling yourself.

Update: The Terri Schiavo event is shaping up as just this type of event. In fact, many of the same figures from Boyer's article figure in this case--The Alliance Defense Fund, for example. In any case, what ever your politics, if an Easter dinner amongst mixed political company looms in your future, I hope nothing comes to blows.
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